About the Program

The Early Intervention Program is designed to meet the identified needs of children, birth through age two, and their families in promoting each child's development. The EI program offers home-based services that coach the parents on how best to facilitate their child's overall development. The Early Intervention Team is comprised of a variety of professionals with multi-disciplinary backgrounds. The team is comprised of a Developmental Specialist, EI RAFT Coordinator, Nurse, Occupational therapist, Physical Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist, and Service Coordinators. Every child enrolled into the program will be assigned a Service Coordinator and Primary Service Provider. In order to receive Early Intervention services a child must be determined eligible for services. Once a child is determined eligible for services, and the Individualized Family Service Plan has been written, Early Intervention services can begin.
The Early Intervention Team utilizes evidence-based practices. Evidence-based early intervention practices include providing services in a child's natural environment, utilizing a coaching style when interacting with families, and utilizing a Primary Service Provider (PSP) approach to providing services to families.
    • michelle

The Mission of Early Intervention

The mission of the Early Intervention program is to enhance the development of infants and toddlers by providing supports and resources to parents and caregivers.

Primary Service Provider Approach

A Primary Service Provider approach is utilized as research proves that children ages birth through 2 years old learn best in their natural environment, from their parent, with the primary support of one professional, and a secondary support of a multi-disciplinary team. All early intervention services are provided in a child's natural environment. For children birth through 2 years old this includes home, locations in the community, a child care setting, or a relative's home. During all appointments a parent/caregiver must be present, and willing to participate as participation is crucial to their child's progress. By coaching parents on the strategies and activities to promote overall development and them implementing the strategies and/or activities, children will acquire new skills quicker than if parents/caregivers had not been involved.

During home visits with a Primary Service Provider progress will be discussed, new strategies modeled, and a plan for what activities the family would like to work on during the following appointment, and in between appointments, will be discussed. All services provided to families will be in accordance with their Individualized Family Service Plan.
Early Intervention Services are provided until a child reaches their 3rd birthday. Approximately 6 months prior to a child's 3rd birthday the family's Service Coordinator will work with the family to develop a transition plan for when the child is discharged from the program.
Recite Me accessibility and Language Support
Recite Me accessibility and Language Support